Well… it doesn’t take a genius to see the big picture here does it!
Yes… we are packing!
But, that doesn’t mean I need to show boring photos of boxes for this whole post… that wouldn’t be any fun so, Look for images from my Instagram feed, our recent dinner out with my parents at a great place in Goderich called Thyme on 21 ( their food is as tasty as their front porch is pretty! ) and… ok, some packing picks!
Kent and I walked around the house a few weeks back. We took a stroll through the basement, garage, bunkie and all the rooms in the house…
Then we looked at each other and rolled our eyes… (Yes, the eye rolling has begun )
There was no doubt that even with sorting, pitching, donating, selling and sending a truckload or two home with our son Spencer … we were still going to have way to much stuff to fit in the cottage.
Renting a storage unit seemed like a good option.
I learned a lot going through this process so I thought I would share some tips we learned.
The first thing to think about is the kind of storage facility you want:
We needed it to be close to Bayfield, secure & climate controlled (although what that means varies from location to location so be aware ). Also consider the size of unit you will need. We went with a 10×20 ft. unit but we may need another smaller one as well… time will tell!
Once you have decided on the facility and storage unit size, the planing can begin!
It takes extra time but is really well worth the effort. Think about the storage unit over the whole time you will need it.
Having easy access to items you may need is key.
The last thing you want is to be unpacking the unit in December to get your christmas decorations which you stuffed at the back because it was August when you packed!
Planning also makes it easier to get the most bang for your buck space wise…
We spent quite a bit of time thinking about how to fill the unit. We took the first load and filled the entire back wall of the unit with large boxes of things we won’t need until we would be doing finishing work on the new house we plan on building ( if we ever find the right lot to build on that is!! ) We stacked those boxes as neatly and compactly as possible.
We also placed pallets down along the back wall so there is a good air space between the concrete floor and any of our boxes.
The next two loads went along the left side wall. At this point we know approximately how many loads the unit will hold which gives us a much clearer idea of how much additional space we may need to rent!

Now… To the Map!
Yes, a map… of the unit. It is easy to do and very handy. You may know where everything is today but will you remember three months from now?
Not if you are like me you won’t!
As we brought each load I kept a list of where that load was stored in the unit as well as a list of items in that load.
This serves two purposes:
It makes accessing things easier and it also gives me a complete list of contents for insurance. 🙂
I also took a few pics for a visual reference.

We all know that labelling boxes, taping them securely , stacking them safely and with labels turned out are great ideas… the key is to not get lazy.
Start as you intend to continue… take your time and follow through with the plan. Moving is hard work… If you need a break take one!
In the long run, the storage unit will be more organized, you will have better access to everything and your items will be more secured.
A few final tips…
Keep air space around things when possible, a little bit goes a long way.
Make a walkway down the centre wide enough to get to the back if needed.
Don’t forget to lock your unit when you leave!!!!!
Yup… I would have just walked away after a load the other day if Kent had not been there. 🙁

We have a lot of packing and thinking left to do before we are moved but, I do feel like we are making headway!
Perhaps this list will help you learn from my trial and error experiences!
Pin away if you think it might ever come in handy for you!!
As an aside… We had a lovely weekend with my parents. They took us out to dinner at Thyme on 21 in Goderich (They were kind enough to snap that pic of Kent and I before dinner. ) We enjoyed a relaxing evening since they were able to stay overnight with us!
Before they left on Monday morning my dad walked out to the back gardens and took some photos… I think they are going to miss this house as much as we are!
Wishing you a wonderful week!