I am very pleased to have our home Hoop Top House featured today on the fantastic blog Unskinny Boppy!!!

Beth is amazing. She is a shining example of creative confident women who choose to build other woman up, mentor them and help them succeed.
There are many women like this in blogland and getting to know some of them in the short time I have been blogging has been very rewarding.
Beth kindly asked her readers to consider coming here to my blog to pin images they may have seen on the Holiday Home Tour feature today.
I appreciated that gesture so much!
So… If you are here from Unskinny Boppy to have a look around and do some pinning… Thank you very much and I hope you like what you see!
Here are a few links to Holiday decor posts showing the photos that were featured today: Living room , Family room, Holiday dinner party, Holiday entertaining with spalted maple, It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas
I have been posting often gearing up for the holidays so please have a look at some of the other posts for lots of holiday inspired ideas, tips and photos.
If you would like to see more of our home here is the house tour
This week will be full of activity around here, last minute decorating… shopping… posting and cooking!!
I hope you have a fantastic week!